Roseville Avenue

Roseville Avenue

21-27 Roseville Avenue & 16-24 Lord Street Roseville
 No. Of units 
250 approx
 Current Status 
In Planning
Key features
  • Approximately 250 residential apartments over 9 storeys
  • 17% of the apartments will be dedicated for affordable housing
  • Basement car parking for approximately 320 cars with additional space for bicycles
  • A central, landscaped courtyard
  • Highly landscaped green edge around the site

High quality amenity for residents will include:

  • Private communal spaces including the central courtyard, lounge and games room
  • Gymnasium and swimming pool

Roseville Avenue


The proposal is for the redevelopment of the existing houses at 21-27 Roseville Avenue and 16-24 Lord Street, Roseville. The site is within the Roseville Station
Transport Orientated Development Precinct. The planning controls for the Precinct allow for residential apartment buildings.

The 9 existing houses will be replaced with a high quality residential apartment development including a mix of apartment sizes including family sized homes.

New buildings will be complemented by landscaping, mature trees within the site will be retained.

Central to the design are all the characteristics that make Roseville unique, such as the leafy, tree-lined streets, family oriented community connections, and access to parks, public transport and local shops.

Roseville Avenue


The proposed development at 21-27 Roseville Avenue and 16-24 Lord Street, Roseville will include affordable housing. Affordable housing is not the same as social housing. These apartments will provide much-needed rental accommodation for key workers who serve our community such as hospital workers, police officers and teachers.

At Hyecorp, we’re eager to seize this opportunity to contribute positively to address the housing shortage. We are excited about this development and remain committed to creating a vibrant and inclusive community in Roseville. Your support and enthusiasm for these initiatives are greatly appreciated as we work towards this vision.